import numpy as np
import timeit
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
%matplotlib inline
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans, kmeans2
import pattrex.plotting_mpl as plt_rex
import pattrex.dimred as dim_rex
import pattrex.fun_with_k_means as km_rex
import pattrex.SpectralClustering as sc_rex
import pattrex.SpectralClustering_AndrewNg as scan_rex
from pattrex.demo_helper import read_whdata
import pattrex.preprocessing as pre_rex
def demo_1_data():
data = np.genfromtxt("./data/data-clustering-1.csv", delimiter=',')
print("{} samples of {} dimensional data".format(*(data.T).shape))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt_rex.plot2d(data, colwise_data=True, show=False, hatch='k.',
title="Data", axs=ax)
return data.T
mydata = demo_1_data()
200 samples of 2 dimensional data
def demo_1_init(data, k, seed=9000):
nX, mX = data.shape
# Random choices from data
m1 = np.copy(data[np.random.choice(np.arange(nX), size=k)])
np.random.seed(seed + seed)
# Random choice of one
m2 = np.copy(data[np.random.choice(np.arange(nX), size=k)])
# explicit init
m3 = np.array([
[2, 2],
[0, 2],
[2, 0]
return m1, m2, m3
def demo_1_lloyd(data, k):
inits = demo_1_init(data, k, seed=800)
titles = [
"Lloyd's - {} random choices to init 1".format(k),
"Lloyd's - {} random choices to init 2".format(k),
"Lloyd's - human init",
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
sp = [1, 3, 0]
for i, t in zip(inits, titles):
m, l = km_rex.lloyd2(data, i, verbose=True)
except UserWarning:
print("Did not converge for {}".format(t))
# plotting
sp[-1] += 1
ax = fig.add_subplot(*sp)
h_d = ['r.', 'g.', 'b.']
h_m = ['rs', 'gs', 'bs']
h_i = ['ko', 'ko', 'ko']
for c, hd, hm, hi in zip(range(k), h_d , h_m, h_i):
plt_rex.plot2d(data[l == c], False, show=False, axs=ax,
plt_rex.plot2d(m[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False,
axs=ax, hatch=hm)
plt_rex.plot2d(i[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False,
axs=ax, hatch=hi)
def demo_1_hart(data, k, seeds):
titles = ["Hartigan's - Random Seed {}".format(s) for s in seeds]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
sp = [1, 3, 0]
for s, t in zip(seeds, titles):
m, l = km_rex.hartigan2(data, k, seed=s)
except UserWarning:
print("Did not converge for {}".format(t))
# plotting
sp[-1] += 1
ax = fig.add_subplot(*sp)
h_d = ['r.', 'g.', 'b.']
h_m = ['rs', 'gs', 'bs']
# h_i = ['ko', 'ko', 'ko']
for c, hd, hm in zip(range(k), h_d , h_m):
plt_rex.plot2d(data[l == c], False, show=False, axs=ax,
plt_rex.plot2d(m[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False,
axs=ax, hatch=hm)
# plt_rex.plot2d(i[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False,
# axs=ax, hatch=hi)
def demo_1_macqueen(data, k, seeds):
titles = ["MacQueen's"] + \
["MacQueen's - Random shuffle {}".format(s) for s in seeds]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
sp = [1, 3, 0]
datas = [np.copy(data)]
for s in seeds:
for d, t in zip(datas, titles):
m, l = km_rex.mcqueen2(d, k)
except UserWarning:
print("Did not converge for {}".format(t))
# plotting
sp[-1] += 1
ax = fig.add_subplot(*sp)
h_d = ['r.', 'g.', 'b.']
h_m = ['rs', 'gs', 'bs']
h_i = ['ko', 'ko', 'ko']
i = d[:k, :]
for c, hd, hm, hi in zip(range(k), h_d , h_m, h_i):
plt_rex.plot2d(d[l == c], False, show=False, axs=ax,
plt_rex.plot2d(m[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False,
axs=ax, hatch=hm)
plt_rex.plot2d(i[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False,
axs=ax, hatch=hi)
Very Sensitive to initialization values
Converges, but no guarantees (esp in case of bad initializations)
No Guarantee about the results either
Really Fast (if no catastrophy)
demo_1_lloyd(mydata, 3)
Converged after 4 iterations Converged after 9 iterations Converged after 3 iterations
def demo_1_lloyd2(data, k, dist, seed):
i = demo_1_init(data, k, seed=seed)[0]
titles = [
"Lloyd's - random choices to init - {}".format(d) for d in dist]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
sp = [1, 3, 0]
for d, t in zip(dist, titles):
m, l = km_rex.lloyd2(data, i, verbose=True, metric=d)
except UserWarning:
print("Did not converge for {}".format(t))
# plotting
sp[-1] += 1
ax = fig.add_subplot(*sp)
h_d = ['r.', 'g.', 'b.']
h_m = ['rs', 'gs', 'bs']
h_i = ['ko', 'ko', 'ko']
for c, hd, hm, hi in zip(range(k), h_d , h_m, h_i):
plt_rex.plot2d(data[l == c], False, show=False, axs=ax,
plt_rex.plot2d(m[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False,
axs=ax, hatch=hm)
plt_rex.plot2d(i[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False,
axs=ax, hatch=hi)
The data does seem to have Gaussian Blobs
Different similarity metric will probably not give different results
demo_1_lloyd2(mydata, 3, ['euclidean', 'cityblock', 'mahalanobis'], 800)
demo_1_lloyd2(mydata, 3, ['euclidean', 'cityblock', 'mahalanobis'], 10)
Converged after 5 iterations Converged after 6 iterations Converged after 5 iterations Converged after 5 iterations Converged after 4 iterations Converged after 5 iterations
Converges quickly
Relatively Robust
Still sensitive to initialization of classes
demo_1_hart(mydata, 3, [12, 42, 999]) # These took some time to choose
We couldn't figure out any smarter way, rather than :
only recalculate objective function for the current class
calculate the change in objective function incrementally
Halved the number of data points for which the distance is calculated, compared to Naive
m[ki] = (n[ki] / (n[ki] - 1)) * (m[ki] - x / n[ki])
normxkk = norm(x - m, axis=1)
eki = np.sum(norm(Xki - m[ki])) - normxkk[ki]
ediffki = eki - e[ki]
ediff = ediffki + normxkk
kw = np.argmin(ediff)
Convenient for streams
Sensitive to order of data
demo_1_macqueen(mydata, 3, [12, 556])
def demo_1_t():
print("Mac OSX - 10.11.3")
print("2,9 GHz Intel Core i7 (On Battery)")
print("Python 3.4")
print("\nLloyd - Naive")
%timeit km_rex.kmeans_Lloyd(mydata, 3, init_c, save_plot=False)
print("\nLloyd - 2")
%timeit km_rex.lloyd2(mydata, init_c, verbose=False, metric='c')
print("\nLloyd - sklearn.cluster.KMeans")
%timeit KMeans(n_clusters=3, init=init_c).fit(mydata)
print("\n?? - scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans")
%timeit kmeans(mydata, init_c, check_finite=False)
print("\n?? - scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2")
%timeit kmeans2(mydata, init_c, minit='points', check_finite=False)
print("\nHartigan - Naive")
%timeit km_rex.kmeans_hartigans(mydata, 3, save_plot=False, show_plot=False)
print("\nHartigan - 2")
%timeit km_rex.hartigan2(mydata, 3, seed=9000)
print("\nMacQueen - Naive")
%timeit km_rex.kmeans_macqueen(mydata, 3, save_plot=False)
print("\nMacQueen - 2 (numpy-ed)")
%timeit km_rex.mcqueen2(mydata, 3)
t = [
(58e-3, "LN"),
(964e-6, "L2"),
(1.87e-3, "Lsk"),
(693e-6, "?sp"),
(827e-6, "?sp2"),
(352e-3, "HN"),
(50.8e-3, "H2"),
(17.8e-3, "MN"),
(9.13e-3, "M2")
tt = [t_[0] for t_ in t]
tl = [t_[1] for t_ in t]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(), tt)
init_c = np.copy(mydata[np.random.choice(np.arange(mydata.shape[0]), size=3)])
Mac OSX - 10.11.3 2,9 GHz Intel Core i7 (On Battery) Python 3.4 Lloyd - Naive 10 loops, best of 3: 57.9 ms per loop Lloyd - 2 1000 loops, best of 3: 972 µs per loop Lloyd - sklearn.cluster.KMeans 1000 loops, best of 3: 1.82 ms per loop ?? - scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans 1000 loops, best of 3: 683 µs per loop ?? - scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2 1000 loops, best of 3: 796 µs per loop Hartigan - Naive 1 loops, best of 3: 332 ms per loop Hartigan - 2 10 loops, best of 3: 52 ms per loop MacQueen - Naive 100 loops, best of 3: 17.2 ms per loop MacQueen - 2 (numpy-ed) 100 loops, best of 3: 8.88 ms per loop
/Users/myrmidon/.conda/envs/pattrex/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sklearn/cluster/ RuntimeWarning: Explicit initial center position passed: performing only one init in k-means instead of n_init=10 n_jobs=self.n_jobs)
Apply K-means
Apply Spectral Clustering
Apply Spectral Clustering using Andrew Ng's Alorithm
def demo_2_1():
my_data = np.genfromtxt('data/data-clustering-2.csv', delimiter=',')
x = my_data[0,:]
y = my_data[1,:]
# plotting
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
axs = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt_rex.plot2d(my_data, colwise_data=True, hatch='bo',
show=False, axs=axs, set_aspect_equal=False,
return my_data
my_data = demo_2_1()
def demo_2_2(my_data):
k = 2
data = my_data.T
centroidsInit = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
centroids, idx = km_rex.lloyd2(data, centroidsInit, verbose=False)
# idx, _ = km_rex.vq(data, centroids)
km_rex.show_plotted_cluster(data, idx, centroids, "Lloyd's algorithm",k)
# Hartigan's algorithm
centroids, idx = km_rex.hartigan2(data, k)
km_rex.show_plotted_cluster(data, idx, centroids, "Hartigan's algorithm",k)
# MacQueen's algorithm
centroids, idx = km_rex.mcqueen2(data, k)
km_rex.show_plotted_cluster(data, idx, centroids, "MacQueen's algorithm",k)
def demo_2_4(my_data):
for i in np.arange(1,20,1):
ur,index,u_idx_pos,u_idx_neg = sc_rex.SpectralClustering(my_data, i)
print("Got",i," with 100 each")
1 103 2 103 3 101 4 100 Got 4 with 100 each 5 100 Got 5 with 100 each 6 101 7 101 8 109 9 124 10 106 11 103 12 104 13 114 14 118 15 120 16 122 17 122 18 122 19 107
def demo_2_5(my_data):
idx = np.arange(0,200,1)
for i in np.arange(1,20,1):
ur,index,u_idx_pos,u_idx_neg = sc_rex.SpectralClustering(my_data[:,idx], i)
Got 3 Got 4
scan_rex.demo1(my_data,2, 0.05, 1, 0.1) #(my_data,k, sigma, start, end, step):
scan_rex.demo1(mydata.T, 3, 0.1, 1, 0.1) #(my_data,k, sigma, start, end, step):
idx = np.arange(0,200,1)
scan_rex.demo1(my_data[:,idx],2, 0.05, 1, 0.1) #(my_data,k, sigma, start, end, step):
data_X = np.genfromtxt("./data/data-dimred-X.csv", delimiter=',')
data_y = np.genfromtxt("./data/data-dimred-y.csv", delimiter=',')
def demo_3(X, y, k, err=0.0, ddof=0, use_eigh=True, use_abs_evals=False):
print("\n# PCA ######################################")
res_pca = dim_rex.pca(X, k=k, err=err,
use_eigh=use_eigh, use_abs_evals=use_abs_evals)
print("\n# LDA ######################################")
res_lda = dim_rex.lda(X, y, k=k, err=err, use_eigh=use_eigh, ddof=ddof,
projections = [res_pca[0], res_lda[0]]
classes = np.unique(y)
# Plotting
if k == 2:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
sbp = [1, 2, 0]
for p, t in zip(projections, ["{}D PCA".format(k), "{}D LDA".format(k)]):
sbp[-1] += 1
ax = fig.add_subplot(*sbp)
for c, h in zip(classes, ['r.', 'g.', 'b.']):
plt_rex.plot2d(p[y == c], False,
axs=ax, hatch=h, show=False,
elif k == 3:
for p, t in zip(projections, ["{}D PCA".format(k), "{}D LDA".format(k)]):
fig = plt.figure()
axs = plt.axes(projection='3d')
for l, c in zip([1., 2., 3.], ['r', 'g', 'b']):
d2 = p[y == l]
axs.scatter3D(d2[:, 0], d2[:, 1], d2[:, 2], c=c)
return res_pca, res_lda
res_pca, res_lda = demo_3(data_X, data_y, 2)
# PCA ###################################### Found that choosing k as 2 will lead to at most error 59.310584579881876% # LDA ###################################### Found 3 classes of 500 dimensional data Class 1.0: 50 samples Class 2.0: 50 samples Class 3.0: 50 samples Found that choosing k as 2 will lead to at most error -8019.271384515379%
evals = res_lda[-1][0]
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x10dfd4780>]
res_pca, res_lda = demo_3(data_X, data_y, 2, use_abs_evals=True)
# PCA ###################################### Found that choosing k as 2 will lead to at most error 59.310584579881876% # LDA ###################################### Found 3 classes of 500 dimensional data Class 1.0: 50 samples Class 2.0: 50 samples Class 3.0: 50 samples Found that choosing k as 2 will lead to at most error 77.29489861745998%
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x108f744a8>]
res_pca, res_lda = demo_3(data_X, data_y, 3, use_abs_evals=True)
# PCA ###################################### Found that choosing k as 3 will lead to at most error 58.37033070345618% # LDA ###################################### Found 3 classes of 500 dimensional data Class 1.0: 50 samples Class 2.0: 50 samples Class 3.0: 50 samples Found that choosing k as 3 will lead to at most error 72.36080941543305%
PCA finds the axes with maximum variance for the whole data
unsupervised algorithm
performs better for fewer samples per class
LDA finds the axes for best separation between classes
Both still have the underlying assumption of data having Gaussian Distribution
In general, we expected:
import numpy.linalg as la
import numpy.polynomial.polynomial as poly
# Read data
ws, hs, gs = read_whdata()
HW = np.vstack((hs, ws)).astype(np.float)
# removing outliers
HW_new, neg_idx = pre_rex.only_all_positive(HW, True, return_neg_idx=True)
# unknown
hu = np.array([h for i, h in enumerate(hs) if i in neg_idx])
hgt = HW_new[0, :]
wgt = HW_new[1, :]
xmin = hgt.min()-15
xmax = hgt.max()+15
ymin = wgt.min()-15
ymax = wgt.max()+15
x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 100)
def demo_4_plot(y, titles):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
sp = [2, 2, 0]
for i, t in enumerate(titles):
sp[-1] += 1
ax = fig.add_subplot(*sp)
ax.plot(hgt, wgt, 'ko', x, y[i], 'r-')
ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
def trsf(x, div=100):
return x / div
n = 10
def method_1(hgt=hgt, wgt=wgt, n=n, x=x):
# regression using ployfit
c = poly.polyfit(hgt, wgt, n)
y = poly.polyval(x, c)
return c, y
def method_2(hgt=hgt, wgt=wgt, n=n, x=x):
# regression using the Vandermonde matrix and pinv
X = poly.polyvander(hgt, n)
c =, wgt)
y =,n), c)
return c, y
def method_3(hgt=hgt, wgt=wgt, n=n, x=x):
# regression using the Vandermonde matrix and lstsq
X = poly.polyvander(hgt, n)
c = la.lstsq(X, wgt)[0]
y =,n), c)
return c, y
def method_4(hgt=hgt, wgt=wgt, n=n, x=x, div=100):
# regression on transformed data using the Vandermonde
# matrix and pinv
X = poly.polyvander(trsf(hgt, div=div), n)
c =, wgt)
y =, div=div),n), c)
return c, y
demo_4_plot([m()[1] for m in [method_1, method_2, method_3, method_4]],
[m for m in ["method_1", "method_2", "method_3", "method_4"]])
/Users/myrmidon/.conda/envs/pattrex/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/polynomial/ RankWarning: The fit may be poorly conditioned warnings.warn(msg, pu.RankWarning)
Warning raised by polyfit
gives almost as 'good' a result as method_1
function is scaling the values by 1/100 coeffs = np.array([m()[0] for m in [method_1, method_2, method_3, method_4]])
[[ 9.94143754e+11 3.39741629e-19 3.39741629e-19 5.01564415e+11] [ -3.61297680e+10 1.17900058e-11 1.17900058e-11 -1.40808912e+12] [ 5.01765490e+08 -9.63490518e-15 -9.63490518e-15 9.77502398e+11] [ -2.82817017e+06 2.89518900e-13 2.89518900e-13 7.51115288e+11] [ -1.94892561e+03 2.13966507e-11 2.13966507e-11 -1.10264539e+12] [ 9.06665686e+01 1.23047796e-09 1.23047796e-09 -3.67718543e+11] [ -1.48086662e-01 4.24710787e-08 4.24710787e-08 1.39301069e+12] [ -2.67679787e-03 -9.78013259e-10 -9.78013259e-10 -1.08608618e+12] [ 1.75196332e-05 8.43625378e-12 8.43625378e-12 4.20281052e+11] [ -4.38544409e-08 -3.23109114e-14 -3.23109114e-14 -8.41040291e+10] [ 4.13603892e-11 4.63624155e-17 4.63624155e-17 6.97330421e+09]]
/Users/myrmidon/.conda/envs/pattrex/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/polynomial/ RankWarning: The fit may be poorly conditioned warnings.warn(msg, pu.RankWarning)
%timeit method_1()
%timeit method_2()
%timeit method_3()
%timeit method_4()
1000 loops, best of 3: 234 µs per loop 10000 loops, best of 3: 162 µs per loop 10000 loops, best of 3: 164 µs per loop 1000 loops, best of 3: 174 µs per loop
/Users/myrmidon/.conda/envs/pattrex/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/polynomial/ RankWarning: The fit may be poorly conditioned warnings.warn(msg, pu.RankWarning)
hgt_11 = np.tile(hgt, (1000))
wgt_11 = np.tile(wgt, (1000))
%timeit method_1(hgt_11, wgt_11)
%timeit method_2(hgt_11, wgt_11)
%timeit method_3(hgt_11, wgt_11)
%timeit method_4(hgt_11, wgt_11)
21000 100 loops, best of 3: 4.36 ms per loop 100 loops, best of 3: 7.87 ms per loop 100 loops, best of 3: 3.22 ms per loop 100 loops, best of 3: 7.92 ms per loop
/Users/myrmidon/.conda/envs/pattrex/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/polynomial/ RankWarning: The fit may be poorly conditioned warnings.warn(msg, pu.RankWarning)
for different divisors¶ys = []
for d in [1, 10, 50, 100]:
demo_4_plot(ys, [1, 10, 50, 100])
ys = []
for d in [100, 500, 1000, 1100]:
demo_4_plot(ys, [100, 500, 1000, 1100])
Machine parameters for float32 --------------------------------------------------------------------- precision= 6 resolution= 1.0000000e-06 machep= -23 eps= 1.1920929e-07 negep = -24 epsneg= 5.9604645e-08 minexp= -126 tiny= 1.1754944e-38 maxexp= 128 max= 3.4028235e+38 nexp = 8 min= -max --------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine parameters for float64 --------------------------------------------------------------------- precision= 15 resolution= 1.0000000000000001e-15 machep= -52 eps= 2.2204460492503131e-16 negep = -53 epsneg= 1.1102230246251565e-16 minexp= -1022 tiny= 2.2250738585072014e-308 maxexp= 1024 max= 1.7976931348623157e+308 nexp = 11 min= -max ---------------------------------------------------------------------
¶numpy.linalg.pinv(a, rcond=1e-15)
is the precision of float 64, which linalg
supportsa, wrap = _makearray(a)
a = a.conjugate()
u, s, vt = svd(a, 0)
m = u.shape[0]
n = vt.shape[1]
cutoff = rcond*maximum.reduce(s)
for i in range(min(n, m)):
if s[i] > cutoff: #Suspicious part, set value to zero
s[i] = 1./s[i]
s[i] = 0.;
res = dot(transpose(vt), multiply(s[:, newaxis], transpose(u)))
return wrap(res)
from numpy.core import umath as um
def countPinvCutoff(a):
a = um.conjugate(a)
u,s,vt = la.svd(a,0)
sNoCut = np.copy(s)
m = u.shape[0]
n = vt.shape[1]
cutoff = rcond*um.maximum.reduce(s)
for i in range(min(n, m)):
if s[i] < cutoff:
return cutCount, cutoff
count = []
cutoffValue = []
inteNI = np.arange(0.001,1,0.001)
intePI = np.arange(1,1000,1)
divisor = np.append(inteNI, intePI)
for i in divisor:
X = poly.polyvander(trsf(hgt,i), n)
cutCount, cutoff = countPinvCutoff(X)
list.append(count, cutCount)
list.append(cutoffValue, cutoff)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
plt.scatter(divisor, cutoffValue)
plt.scatter(divisor, count)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x109399cc0>
count = []
for i in np.arange(0.0001,1,0.0001):
X = poly.polyvander(trsf(hgt,i), n)
plt.scatter(np.arange(0.0001,1,0.0001), count)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x109898160>
def pinv(a):
a = um.conjugate(a)
u,s,vt = la.svd(a,0)
sNoCut = np.copy(s)
m = u.shape[0]
n = vt.shape[1]
cutoff = rcond*um.maximum.reduce(s)
tolerence = max(m,n)*um.maximum.reduce(s)*rcond
# print("calculated cutoff",cutoff)
# print("calculated tolerence",tolerence)
for i in range(min(n, m)):
if s[i] < cutoff:
if s[i] > tolerence:
s[i] = 1./s[i]
s[i] = 0.
res =,um.multiply(s[:,np.newaxis], u.T))
resNoCut =,um.multiply(sNoCut[:,np.newaxis], u.T))
return res, resNoCut, tolerence, cutoff, cntTol, cntCO
# resNoCut =,um.multiply(sNoCut[:,np.newaxis], u.T))
def demoPic(divisor):
xmin = hgt.min() - 10
xmax = hgt.max() + 10
ymin = wgt.min() - 200
ymax = wgt.max() + 200
X = poly.polyvander(trsf(hgt,divisor), n)
inv, invN, tol, co, cntTol, cntCO = pinv(X)
print("divisor: %4.4f, tolerence: %4.16f, tolCount:%2d, cutoff:%4.16f, CoCount:%2d" %
(divisor, tol, cntTol, co, cntCO))
cL =, wgt)
yL =,divisor),n), cL)
c =, wgt)
y =,divisor),n), c)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
plt.title("Use own defined threshold (tolerence)")
plt.plot(hgt, wgt, 'ko',x, y, 'r-')
plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
plt.title("numpy.linalg.pinv theshold (cutoff)")
plt.plot(hgt, wgt, 'ko',x, yL, 'r-')
plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
cN =, wgt)
yN =,divisor),n), cN)
plt.title("Without Cutoff")
plt.plot(hgt, wgt, 'ko',x, yN, 'r-')
plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
index = [0.01,0.05,0.1,0.5, 1,5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000]
for i in index:
divisor: 0.0100, tolerence: 279582202827253860620707037184.0000000000000000, tolCount: 8, cutoff:13313438229869231143982727168.0000000000000000, CoCount: 8
divisor: 0.0500, tolerence: 28629218642458107183104.0000000000000000, tolCount: 8, cutoff:1363296125831338524672.0000000000000000, CoCount: 7
divisor: 0.1000, tolerence: 27958224604901580800.0000000000000000, tolCount: 8, cutoff:1331344028804837376.0000000000000000, CoCount: 7
divisor: 0.5000, tolerence: 2862932929080.0292968750000000, tolCount: 7, cutoff:136330139480.0014038085937500, CoCount: 7
divisor: 1.0000, tolerence: 2795865683.2700839042663574, tolCount: 7, cutoff:133136461.1080992370843887, CoCount: 6
divisor: 5.0000, tolerence: 286.4040064468964601, tolCount: 6, cutoff:13.6382860212807824, CoCount: 5
divisor: 10.0000, tolerence: 0.2800198168618731, tolCount: 5, cutoff:0.0133342769934225, CoCount: 5
divisor: 50.0000, tolerence: 0.0000000298173451, tolCount: 4, cutoff:0.0000000014198736, CoCount: 3
divisor: 100.0000, tolerence: 0.0000000000337292, tolCount: 3, cutoff:0.0000000000016062, CoCount: 2
divisor: 500.0000, tolerence: 0.0000000000001026, tolCount: 3, cutoff:0.0000000000000049, CoCount: 3
divisor: 1000.0000, tolerence: 0.0000000000000977, tolCount: 4, cutoff:0.0000000000000047, CoCount: 4