Project 3

B-IT Pattern Recognition

Presented on 4-Feb-2016 by:

  • Abdullah Abdullah

  • Can Güney Aksakallı

  • Kang Cifong

  • Umut HatipoÄŸlu

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import timeit
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
%matplotlib inline

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans, kmeans2

import pattrex.plotting_mpl as plt_rex
import pattrex.dimred as dim_rex
import pattrex.fun_with_k_means as km_rex
import pattrex.SpectralClustering as sc_rex
import pattrex.SpectralClustering_AndrewNg as scan_rex
from pattrex.demo_helper import read_whdata
import pattrex.preprocessing as pre_rex

Task 3.1

Fun with k-means clustering

In [3]:
def demo_1_data():
    data = np.genfromtxt("./data/data-clustering-1.csv", delimiter=',')
    print("{} samples of {} dimensional data".format(*(data.T).shape))
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    plt_rex.plot2d(data, colwise_data=True, show=False, hatch='k.', 
                   title="Data", axs=ax)
    return data.T

The Data

In [6]:
mydata = demo_1_data()
200 samples of 2 dimensional data
In [4]:
def demo_1_init(data, k, seed=9000):
    nX, mX = data.shape
    # Random choices from data
    m1 = np.copy(data[np.random.choice(np.arange(nX), size=k)])
    np.random.seed(seed + seed)
    # Random choice of one
    m2 = np.copy(data[np.random.choice(np.arange(nX), size=k)])
    # explicit init
    m3 = np.array([
            [2, 2],
            [0, 2],
            [2, 0]
    return m1, m2, m3
In [5]:
def demo_1_lloyd(data, k):
    inits = demo_1_init(data, k, seed=800)
    titles = [
        "Lloyd's - {} random choices to init 1".format(k),
        "Lloyd's - {} random choices to init 2".format(k),
        "Lloyd's - human init",
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
    sp = [1, 3, 0]
    for i, t in zip(inits, titles):
            m, l = km_rex.lloyd2(data, i, verbose=True)
        except UserWarning:
            print("Did not converge for {}".format(t))
        # plotting
        sp[-1] += 1
        ax = fig.add_subplot(*sp)
        h_d = ['r.', 'g.', 'b.']
        h_m = ['rs', 'gs', 'bs']
        h_i = ['ko', 'ko', 'ko']
        for c, hd, hm, hi in zip(range(k), h_d , h_m, h_i):
            plt_rex.plot2d(data[l == c], False, show=False, axs=ax,
            plt_rex.plot2d(m[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False, 
                           axs=ax, hatch=hm)
            plt_rex.plot2d(i[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False, 
                           axs=ax, hatch=hi)
def demo_1_hart(data, k, seeds):
    titles = ["Hartigan's - Random Seed {}".format(s) for s in seeds]
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
    sp = [1, 3, 0]
    for s, t in zip(seeds, titles):
            m, l = km_rex.hartigan2(data, k, seed=s)
        except UserWarning:
            print("Did not converge for {}".format(t))
        # plotting
        sp[-1] += 1
        ax = fig.add_subplot(*sp)
        h_d = ['r.', 'g.', 'b.']
        h_m = ['rs', 'gs', 'bs']
#         h_i = ['ko', 'ko', 'ko']
        for c, hd, hm in zip(range(k), h_d , h_m):
            plt_rex.plot2d(data[l == c], False, show=False, axs=ax,
            plt_rex.plot2d(m[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False, 
                           axs=ax, hatch=hm)
#             plt_rex.plot2d(i[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False, 
#                            axs=ax, hatch=hi)

def demo_1_macqueen(data, k, seeds):
    titles = ["MacQueen's"] + \
        ["MacQueen's - Random shuffle {}".format(s) for s in seeds]
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
    sp = [1, 3, 0]
    datas = [np.copy(data)]
    for s in seeds:
    for d, t in zip(datas, titles):
            m, l = km_rex.mcqueen2(d, k)
        except UserWarning:
            print("Did not converge for {}".format(t))
        # plotting
        sp[-1] += 1
        ax = fig.add_subplot(*sp)
        h_d = ['r.', 'g.', 'b.']
        h_m = ['rs', 'gs', 'bs']
        h_i = ['ko', 'ko', 'ko']
        i = d[:k, :]
        for c, hd, hm, hi in zip(range(k), h_d , h_m, h_i):
            plt_rex.plot2d(d[l == c], False, show=False, axs=ax,
            plt_rex.plot2d(m[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False, 
                           axs=ax, hatch=hm)
            plt_rex.plot2d(i[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False, 
                           axs=ax, hatch=hi)

Lloyd's Algorithm

  • Very Sensitive to initialization values

  • Converges, but no guarantees (esp in case of bad initializations)

  • No Guarantee about the results either

  • Really Fast (if no catastrophy)

In [6]:
demo_1_lloyd(mydata, 3)
Converged after 4 iterations
Converged after 9 iterations
Converged after 3 iterations
In [7]:
def demo_1_lloyd2(data, k, dist, seed):
    i = demo_1_init(data, k, seed=seed)[0]
    titles = [
        "Lloyd's - random choices to init - {}".format(d) for d in dist]
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
    sp = [1, 3, 0]
    for d, t in zip(dist, titles):
            m, l = km_rex.lloyd2(data, i, verbose=True, metric=d)
        except UserWarning:
            print("Did not converge for {}".format(t))
        # plotting
        sp[-1] += 1
        ax = fig.add_subplot(*sp)
        h_d = ['r.', 'g.', 'b.']
        h_m = ['rs', 'gs', 'bs']
        h_i = ['ko', 'ko', 'ko']
        for c, hd, hm, hi in zip(range(k), h_d , h_m, h_i):
            plt_rex.plot2d(data[l == c], False, show=False, axs=ax,
            plt_rex.plot2d(m[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False, 
                           axs=ax, hatch=hm)
            plt_rex.plot2d(i[c, :].reshape(1, m.shape[1]), False, show=False, 
                           axs=ax, hatch=hi)

Different Similarity Measures

  • The data does seem to have Gaussian Blobs

    • The problem with the data is different
  • Different similarity metric will probably not give different results

    • Except in case of relatively bad similarity metrics
In [50]:
demo_1_lloyd2(mydata, 3, ['euclidean', 'cityblock', 'mahalanobis'], 800)
demo_1_lloyd2(mydata, 3, ['euclidean', 'cityblock', 'mahalanobis'], 10)
Converged after 5 iterations
Converged after 6 iterations
Converged after 5 iterations
Converged after 5 iterations
Converged after 4 iterations
Converged after 5 iterations

Hartigan's Algorithm

  • Converges quickly

  • Relatively Robust

  • Still sensitive to initialization of classes

In [10]:
demo_1_hart(mydata, 3, [12, 42, 999])  # These took some time to choose

Smarter Way?

  • We couldn't figure out any smarter way, rather than :

    • only recalculate objective function for the current class

      • Not reliable, esp when the data is disproportionate among classes
    • calculate the change in objective function incrementally

    • Halved the number of data points for which the distance is calculated, compared to Naive

      • Does not fully utilize the potential, eg vectorization

m[ki] = (n[ki] / (n[ki] - 1)) * (m[ki] - x / n[ki])

normxkk = norm(x - m, axis=1)
eki = np.sum(norm(Xki - m[ki])) - normxkk[ki]
ediffki = eki - e[ki]

ediff = ediffki + normxkk

kw = np.argmin(ediff)

MacQueen's Algorithm

  • Convenient for streams

  • Sensitive to order of data

    • Essentially, still sensitive to initialization
In [51]:
demo_1_macqueen(mydata, 3, [12, 556])
In [17]:
def demo_1_t():
    print("Mac OSX - 10.11.3")
    print("2,9 GHz Intel Core i7 (On Battery)")
    print("Python 3.4")
    print("\nLloyd - Naive")
    %timeit km_rex.kmeans_Lloyd(mydata, 3, init_c, save_plot=False)
    print("\nLloyd - 2")
    %timeit km_rex.lloyd2(mydata, init_c, verbose=False, metric='c')
    print("\nLloyd - sklearn.cluster.KMeans")
    %timeit KMeans(n_clusters=3, init=init_c).fit(mydata)
    print("\n?? - scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans")
    %timeit kmeans(mydata, init_c, check_finite=False)
    print("\n?? - scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2")
    %timeit kmeans2(mydata, init_c, minit='points', check_finite=False)
    print("\nHartigan - Naive")
    %timeit km_rex.kmeans_hartigans(mydata, 3, save_plot=False, show_plot=False)
    print("\nHartigan - 2")
    %timeit km_rex.hartigan2(mydata, 3, seed=9000)
    print("\nMacQueen - Naive")
    %timeit km_rex.kmeans_macqueen(mydata, 3, save_plot=False)
    print("\nMacQueen - 2 (numpy-ed)")
    %timeit km_rex.mcqueen2(mydata, 3)
    t = [
        (58e-3, "LN"),
        (964e-6, "L2"),
        (1.87e-3, "Lsk"),
        (693e-6, "?sp"),
        (827e-6, "?sp2"),
        (352e-3, "HN"),
        (50.8e-3, "H2"),
        (17.8e-3, "MN"),
        (9.13e-3, "M2")
    tt = [t_[0] for t_ in t]
    tl = [t_[1] for t_ in t]
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(), tt)

Run times!

In [18]:
init_c = np.copy(mydata[np.random.choice(np.arange(mydata.shape[0]), size=3)])
Mac OSX - 10.11.3
2,9 GHz Intel Core i7 (On Battery)
Python 3.4

Lloyd - Naive
10 loops, best of 3: 57.9 ms per loop

Lloyd - 2
1000 loops, best of 3: 972 µs per loop

Lloyd - sklearn.cluster.KMeans
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.82 ms per loop

?? - scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans
1000 loops, best of 3: 683 µs per loop

?? - scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2
1000 loops, best of 3: 796 µs per loop

Hartigan - Naive
1 loops, best of 3: 332 ms per loop

Hartigan - 2
10 loops, best of 3: 52 ms per loop

MacQueen - Naive
100 loops, best of 3: 17.2 ms per loop

MacQueen - 2 (numpy-ed)
100 loops, best of 3: 8.88 ms per loop
/Users/myrmidon/.conda/envs/pattrex/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sklearn/cluster/ RuntimeWarning: Explicit initial center position passed: performing only one init in k-means instead of n_init=10

Task 3.2

Spectral Clustering


  • Apply K-means

  • Apply Spectral Clustering

  • Apply Spectral Clustering using Andrew Ng's Alorithm

In [19]:
def demo_2_1():
    my_data = np.genfromtxt('data/data-clustering-2.csv', delimiter=',')
    x = my_data[0,:]
    y = my_data[1,:]

    # plotting
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
    axs = fig.add_subplot(111)

    plt_rex.plot2d(my_data, colwise_data=True, hatch='bo', 
                  show=False, axs=axs, set_aspect_equal=False, 
    return my_data
In [20]:
my_data = demo_2_1()

Apply K-means on Data

In [21]:
def demo_2_2(my_data):
    k = 2
    data = my_data.T
    centroidsInit = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    centroids, idx = km_rex.lloyd2(data, centroidsInit, verbose=False)
    # idx, _ = km_rex.vq(data, centroids)
    km_rex.show_plotted_cluster(data, idx, centroids, "Lloyd's algorithm",k)

    # Hartigan's algorithm
    centroids, idx = km_rex.hartigan2(data, k)
    km_rex.show_plotted_cluster(data, idx, centroids, "Hartigan's algorithm",k)

    # MacQueen's algorithm
    centroids, idx = km_rex.mcqueen2(data, k)
    km_rex.show_plotted_cluster(data, idx, centroids, "MacQueen's algorithm",k)
In [22]:

Apply Spectral Clustering on Data

  • Get a good result at beta = 11
  • By observation, we see that some edges points would be mis-judged as beta grows from 1 to 15
  • The Upper half contains 100 points, and so is the lower half.

Play around the number of halfs

  • See how the number of halfs changes
In [23]:
def demo_2_4(my_data):
    for i in np.arange(1,20,1):
        ur,index,u_idx_pos,u_idx_neg = sc_rex.SpectralClustering(my_data, i)
            print("Got",i," with 100 each")
In [24]:
1 103
2 103
3 101
4 100
Got 4  with 100 each
5 100
Got 5  with 100 each
6 101
7 101
8 109
9 124
10 106
11 103
12 104
13 114
14 118
15 120
16 122
17 122
18 122
19 107

Exam the Laplacian Matrix

  • S = exp(-beta* |x_i-x_j|^2) which is indepandent on the data order
  • D = Sum(j to n)(Sij) if i=j which is depandent on the data order
  • L = D - S

Shuffle the data order to see the result

  • we would have a differnet beta or even unable to get one sometime. Sometimes we got a lot
  • But we see that the upper half gathered close to y=0 line, while the lower half spread around.
In [25]:
def demo_2_5(my_data):
    idx = np.arange(0,200,1)
    for i in np.arange(1,20,1):
        ur,index,u_idx_pos,u_idx_neg = sc_rex.SpectralClustering(my_data[:,idx], i)
In [26]:
Got 3
Got 4

Spectral Clustering using Andrew Ng's Algorithm

  • On Spectral Clustering: Analysis and an algorithm by Andre Ng, etal.
  • S = exp(-|x_i-x_j|^2 / 2*(sigma^2))
  • D = diagonal matrix whose (i, i)-element is the sum of A's i-th row
  • L = D^(-1/2)AD^(-1/2)
  • FInd the k largest eigenvectors of L and normalized them into matrix X
  • Treating X as new set of data, apply k-means clustering
  • Based on the clustering result to cluster the original data
In [27]:
scan_rex.demo1(my_data,2, 0.05, 1, 0.1)  #(my_data,k, sigma, start, end, step):
In [9]:
scan_rex.demo1(mydata.T, 3, 0.1, 1, 0.1)  #(my_data,k, sigma, start, end, step):

Shuffle the data order to see the result

  • We would have same L on differnet odering of data
  • As prediction, the resulting sigma would not change
In [28]:
idx = np.arange(0,200,1)
scan_rex.demo1(my_data[:,idx],2, 0.05, 1, 0.1)  #(my_data,k, sigma, start, end, step):


  • Even if the data is shuffled, the sigma to generate good clustering is stable.
  • We could evaluate the result based on how tight the processed group is.
  • It is easier to determine whether this Y is valid or not.

Evaluate the tightness of Data

  • Variance
  • Support Vector Machine

Task 3.3

Dimensionality Reduction

In [29]:
data_X = np.genfromtxt("./data/data-dimred-X.csv", delimiter=',')
data_y = np.genfromtxt("./data/data-dimred-y.csv", delimiter=',')
In [30]:
def demo_3(X, y, k, err=0.0, ddof=0, use_eigh=True, use_abs_evals=False):
    print("\n# PCA ######################################")
    res_pca = dim_rex.pca(X, k=k, err=err, 
                          use_eigh=use_eigh, use_abs_evals=use_abs_evals)
    print("\n# LDA ######################################")
    res_lda = dim_rex.lda(X, y, k=k, err=err, use_eigh=use_eigh, ddof=ddof, 
    projections = [res_pca[0], res_lda[0]]
    classes = np.unique(y)
    # Plotting
    if k == 2:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
        sbp = [1, 2, 0]

        for p, t in zip(projections, ["{}D PCA".format(k), "{}D LDA".format(k)]):
            sbp[-1] += 1

            ax = fig.add_subplot(*sbp)
            for c, h in zip(classes, ['r.', 'g.', 'b.']):
                plt_rex.plot2d(p[y == c], False, 
                               axs=ax, hatch=h, show=False, 
    elif k == 3:
        for p, t in zip(projections, ["{}D PCA".format(k), "{}D LDA".format(k)]):
            fig = plt.figure()
            axs = plt.axes(projection='3d')
            for l, c in zip([1., 2., 3.], ['r', 'g', 'b']):
                d2 = p[y == l]
                axs.scatter3D(d2[:, 0], d2[:, 1], d2[:, 2], c=c)
    return res_pca, res_lda
In [31]:
res_pca, res_lda = demo_3(data_X, data_y, 2)
# PCA ######################################
Found that choosing k as 2 will lead to at most error 59.310584579881876%

# LDA ######################################
Found 3 classes of 500 dimensional data
Class 1.0: 50 samples
Class 2.0: 50 samples
Class 3.0: 50 samples
Found that choosing k as 2 will lead to at most error -8019.271384515379%
In [32]:
evals = res_lda[-1][0]
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x10dfd4780>]
In [33]:
res_pca, res_lda = demo_3(data_X, data_y, 2, use_abs_evals=True)
# PCA ######################################
Found that choosing k as 2 will lead to at most error 59.310584579881876%

# LDA ######################################
Found 3 classes of 500 dimensional data
Class 1.0: 50 samples
Class 2.0: 50 samples
Class 3.0: 50 samples
Found that choosing k as 2 will lead to at most error 77.29489861745998%
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x108f744a8>]

Let's see for 3D

In [34]:
res_pca, res_lda = demo_3(data_X, data_y, 3, use_abs_evals=True)
# PCA ######################################
Found that choosing k as 3 will lead to at most error 58.37033070345618%

# LDA ######################################
Found 3 classes of 500 dimensional data
Class 1.0: 50 samples
Class 2.0: 50 samples
Class 3.0: 50 samples
Found that choosing k as 3 will lead to at most error 72.36080941543305%


  • PCA finds the axes with maximum variance for the whole data

    • unsupervised algorithm

    • performs better for fewer samples per class

  • LDA finds the axes for best separation between classes

    • supervised algorithm
  • Both still have the underlying assumption of data having Gaussian Distribution

Task 3.4

Exploring Numerical Instabilities

We all read the paper

In general, we expected:

  • method_1
    • to give the best 10th degree polygon,
    • be fast,
    • not face issues
  • method_2
    • to give okay result (conditionally)
    • be slow,
    • to face numerical issues
  • method_3
    • to give a good 10th degree polygon,
    • be fast,
    • not face issues
  • method_4
    • to give results a bit better than method_2
    • be the slowest (added transform step)
    • not face issues in this particular case (may be)

Let's test the expectations!

In [35]:
import numpy.linalg as la
import numpy.polynomial.polynomial as poly

# Read data
ws, hs, gs = read_whdata()
HW = np.vstack((hs, ws)).astype(np.float)

# removing outliers
HW_new, neg_idx = pre_rex.only_all_positive(HW, True, return_neg_idx=True)

# unknown
hu = np.array([h for i, h in enumerate(hs) if i in neg_idx])

hgt = HW_new[0, :]
wgt = HW_new[1, :]
xmin = hgt.min()-15
xmax = hgt.max()+15
ymin = wgt.min()-15
ymax = wgt.max()+15

x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 100)

def demo_4_plot(y, titles):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    sp = [2, 2, 0]
    for i, t in enumerate(titles):
        sp[-1] += 1
        ax = fig.add_subplot(*sp)
        ax.plot(hgt, wgt, 'ko', x, y[i], 'r-')
        ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
        ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
In [36]:
def trsf(x, div=100):
      return x / div
n = 10

def method_1(hgt=hgt, wgt=wgt, n=n, x=x):
    # regression using ployfit
    c = poly.polyfit(hgt, wgt, n)
    y = poly.polyval(x, c) 
    return c, y

def method_2(hgt=hgt, wgt=wgt, n=n, x=x):
    # regression using the Vandermonde matrix and pinv 
    X = poly.polyvander(hgt, n)
    c =, wgt)
    y =,n), c) 
    return c, y

def method_3(hgt=hgt, wgt=wgt, n=n, x=x):
    # regression using the Vandermonde matrix and lstsq 
    X = poly.polyvander(hgt, n)
    c = la.lstsq(X, wgt)[0]
    y =,n), c)
    return c, y

def method_4(hgt=hgt, wgt=wgt, n=n, x=x, div=100):
    # regression on transformed data using the Vandermonde 
    #    matrix and pinv
    X = poly.polyvander(trsf(hgt, div=div), n)
    c =, wgt)
    y =, div=div),n), c)
    return c, y

demo_4_plot([m()[1] for m in [method_1, method_2, method_3, method_4]], 
            [m for m in ["method_1", "method_2", "method_3", "method_4"]])
/Users/myrmidon/.conda/envs/pattrex/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/polynomial/ RankWarning: The fit may be poorly conditioned
  warnings.warn(msg, pu.RankWarning)

What happend?

  • Warning raised by polyfit

    • abdullah: it is actually helpful
  • method_4 gives almost as 'good' a result as method_1

    • can: the trsf function is scaling the values by 1/100
    • cifong: problems with raising $10^2$ values to powers of 10 might be getting resolved
    • abdullah: actually, no. Look at the coefficients. All are of order $10^{10}$
In [37]:
coeffs = np.array([m()[0] for m in [method_1, method_2, method_3, method_4]])
[[  9.94143754e+11   3.39741629e-19   3.39741629e-19   5.01564415e+11]
 [ -3.61297680e+10   1.17900058e-11   1.17900058e-11  -1.40808912e+12]
 [  5.01765490e+08  -9.63490518e-15  -9.63490518e-15   9.77502398e+11]
 [ -2.82817017e+06   2.89518900e-13   2.89518900e-13   7.51115288e+11]
 [ -1.94892561e+03   2.13966507e-11   2.13966507e-11  -1.10264539e+12]
 [  9.06665686e+01   1.23047796e-09   1.23047796e-09  -3.67718543e+11]
 [ -1.48086662e-01   4.24710787e-08   4.24710787e-08   1.39301069e+12]
 [ -2.67679787e-03  -9.78013259e-10  -9.78013259e-10  -1.08608618e+12]
 [  1.75196332e-05   8.43625378e-12   8.43625378e-12   4.20281052e+11]
 [ -4.38544409e-08  -3.23109114e-14  -3.23109114e-14  -8.41040291e+10]
 [  4.13603892e-11   4.63624155e-17   4.63624155e-17   6.97330421e+09]]
/Users/myrmidon/.conda/envs/pattrex/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/polynomial/ RankWarning: The fit may be poorly conditioned
  warnings.warn(msg, pu.RankWarning)
  • umut: Let's Time them
In [38]:
%timeit method_1()
%timeit method_2()
%timeit method_3()
%timeit method_4()
1000 loops, best of 3: 234 µs per loop
10000 loops, best of 3: 162 µs per loop
10000 loops, best of 3: 164 µs per loop
1000 loops, best of 3: 174 µs per loop
/Users/myrmidon/.conda/envs/pattrex/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/polynomial/ RankWarning: The fit may be poorly conditioned
  warnings.warn(msg, pu.RankWarning)
  • abdullah: the dataset is too small. Run again with 1000 copies
    • it is still in milliseconds
    • can: don't go above 100,000
In [39]:
hgt_11 = np.tile(hgt, (1000))
wgt_11 = np.tile(wgt, (1000))

%timeit method_1(hgt_11, wgt_11)
%timeit method_2(hgt_11, wgt_11)
%timeit method_3(hgt_11, wgt_11)
%timeit method_4(hgt_11, wgt_11)
100 loops, best of 3: 4.36 ms per loop
100 loops, best of 3: 7.87 ms per loop
100 loops, best of 3: 3.22 ms per loop
100 loops, best of 3: 7.92 ms per loop
/Users/myrmidon/.conda/envs/pattrex/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/polynomial/ RankWarning: The fit may be poorly conditioned
  warnings.warn(msg, pu.RankWarning)
  • cifong: Let me dive into the transformation

How do results change for method_4 for different divisors

In [40]:
ys = []
for d in [1, 10, 50, 100]:
demo_4_plot(ys, [1, 10, 50, 100])
ys = []
for d in [100, 500, 1000, 1100]:
demo_4_plot(ys, [100, 500, 1000, 1100])

The fitting dimention went up as the divisor goes up,

  • The value in given data is 3 digit decimal,
  • divisor = 100 make the value to 1 digit

Floating point issue in Python

In [41]:
Machine parameters for float32
precision=  6   resolution= 1.0000000e-06
machep=   -23   eps=        1.1920929e-07
negep =   -24   epsneg=     5.9604645e-08
minexp=  -126   tiny=       1.1754944e-38
maxexp=   128   max=        3.4028235e+38
nexp  =     8   min=        -max

Machine parameters for float64
precision= 15   resolution= 1.0000000000000001e-15
machep=   -52   eps=        2.2204460492503131e-16
negep =   -53   epsneg=     1.1102230246251565e-16
minexp= -1022   tiny=       2.2250738585072014e-308
maxexp=  1024   max=        1.7976931348623157e+308
nexp  =    11   min=        -max

Looking in to numpy.linalg.pinv

  • numpy.linalg.pinv(a, rcond=1e-15)
  • rcond is the precision of float 64, which linalg supports
  • we found this code inside
In [ ]:
a, wrap = _makearray(a)
a = a.conjugate()
u, s, vt = svd(a, 0)
m = u.shape[0]
n = vt.shape[1]
cutoff = rcond*maximum.reduce(s)
for i in range(min(n, m)): 
    if s[i] > cutoff:           #Suspicious part, set value to zero
        s[i] = 1./s[i]
        s[i] = 0.; 
res = dot(transpose(vt), multiply(s[:, newaxis], transpose(u)))
return wrap(res)

Test this part

  • See how many cutsin different divisor
In [43]:
from numpy.core import umath as um

def countPinvCutoff(a):
    a = um.conjugate(a)
    u,s,vt = la.svd(a,0)
    sNoCut = np.copy(s)
    m = u.shape[0]
    n = vt.shape[1]
    cutoff = rcond*um.maximum.reduce(s)

    for i in range(min(n, m)):
        if s[i] < cutoff:
    return cutCount, cutoff
In [44]:
count = []
cutoffValue = []
inteNI = np.arange(0.001,1,0.001)
intePI = np.arange(1,1000,1)
divisor = np.append(inteNI, intePI)
for i in divisor:
    X = poly.polyvander(trsf(hgt,i), n)
    cutCount, cutoff = countPinvCutoff(X)
    list.append(count, cutCount)
    list.append(cutoffValue, cutoff)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
plt.scatter(divisor, cutoffValue)
plt.scatter(divisor, count)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x109399cc0>


  • 1.Ther trend mathes the degeneration of fitting function that
  • the lower the cut off, the higher remaining dimension we have
  • 2.We would have at least 2 cutoffs in all divisor
In [45]:
count = []
for i in np.arange(0.0001,1,0.0001):
    X = poly.polyvander(trsf(hgt,i), n)
plt.scatter(np.arange(0.0001,1,0.0001), count)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x109898160>
In [46]:
def pinv(a):
    a = um.conjugate(a)
    u,s,vt = la.svd(a,0)
    sNoCut = np.copy(s)
    m = u.shape[0]
    n = vt.shape[1]
    cutoff = rcond*um.maximum.reduce(s)
    tolerence = max(m,n)*um.maximum.reduce(s)*rcond
#     print("calculated cutoff",cutoff)
#     print("calculated tolerence",tolerence)
    for i in range(min(n, m)):
        if s[i] < cutoff:
        if s[i] > tolerence:
            s[i] = 1./s[i]
            s[i] = 0.
    res =,um.multiply(s[:,np.newaxis], u.T))
    resNoCut =,um.multiply(sNoCut[:,np.newaxis], u.T))
    return res, resNoCut, tolerence, cutoff, cntTol, cntCO
#     resNoCut =,um.multiply(sNoCut[:,np.newaxis], u.T))

def demoPic(divisor):
    xmin = hgt.min() - 10
    xmax = hgt.max() + 10
    ymin = wgt.min() - 200
    ymax = wgt.max() + 200
    X = poly.polyvander(trsf(hgt,divisor), n)
    inv, invN, tol, co, cntTol, cntCO = pinv(X)
    print("divisor: %4.4f, tolerence: %4.16f, tolCount:%2d, cutoff:%4.16f, CoCount:%2d" % 
          (divisor, tol, cntTol, co, cntCO))
    cL =, wgt)
    yL =,divisor),n), cL)
    c =, wgt)
    y =,divisor),n), c)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
    plt.title("Use own defined threshold (tolerence)")
    plt.plot(hgt, wgt, 'ko',x, y, 'r-')
    plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
    plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
    plt.title("numpy.linalg.pinv theshold (cutoff)")
    plt.plot(hgt, wgt, 'ko',x, yL, 'r-')
    plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
    plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)

    cN =, wgt)
    yN =,divisor),n), cN)
    plt.title("Without Cutoff")
    plt.plot(hgt, wgt, 'ko',x, yN, 'r-')
    plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
    plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)

Plot some divisors on 3 variants

  • Compare with the tolerence = epslon max(m,n) maximum(s)
  • linalg.inv cutoff = epslon * maximum(s)
  • No cut off
In [47]:
index = [0.01,0.05,0.1,0.5, 1,5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000]
for i in index:
divisor: 0.0100, tolerence: 279582202827253860620707037184.0000000000000000, tolCount: 8, cutoff:13313438229869231143982727168.0000000000000000, CoCount: 8
divisor: 0.0500, tolerence: 28629218642458107183104.0000000000000000, tolCount: 8, cutoff:1363296125831338524672.0000000000000000, CoCount: 7
divisor: 0.1000, tolerence: 27958224604901580800.0000000000000000, tolCount: 8, cutoff:1331344028804837376.0000000000000000, CoCount: 7
divisor: 0.5000, tolerence: 2862932929080.0292968750000000, tolCount: 7, cutoff:136330139480.0014038085937500, CoCount: 7
divisor: 1.0000, tolerence: 2795865683.2700839042663574, tolCount: 7, cutoff:133136461.1080992370843887, CoCount: 6
divisor: 5.0000, tolerence: 286.4040064468964601, tolCount: 6, cutoff:13.6382860212807824, CoCount: 5
divisor: 10.0000, tolerence: 0.2800198168618731, tolCount: 5, cutoff:0.0133342769934225, CoCount: 5
divisor: 50.0000, tolerence: 0.0000000298173451, tolCount: 4, cutoff:0.0000000014198736, CoCount: 3
divisor: 100.0000, tolerence: 0.0000000000337292, tolCount: 3, cutoff:0.0000000000016062, CoCount: 2
divisor: 500.0000, tolerence: 0.0000000000001026, tolCount: 3, cutoff:0.0000000000000049, CoCount: 3
divisor: 1000.0000, tolerence: 0.0000000000000977, tolCount: 4, cutoff:0.0000000000000047, CoCount: 4


  • Slides
  • C. Bauckhage. Lecture Notes on Data Science: k-Means Clustering
  • C. Bauckhage. Lecture Notes on Data Science: Online k-Means Clustering
  • Andre Ng, etal On Spectral Clustering: Analysis and an algorithm
  • A.M. Martinez et al. PCA vs. LDA
